Computer Systems Technology - Ridgewater College
Blue CST logo 2025 Spring Semester (20255)
Computer Systems Technology
Weather Emergencies
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Weather Emergencies

With the winter season upon us, it is a good time to review the process for closing the college, canceling classes, delaying classes, etc.

The authority to cancel classes or close the college due to weather or other emergencies resides with the College President. The closure of state agencies by the Commissioner of the Department of Employee Relations does not apply to MnSCU institutions (Ridgewater College).

Following are the procedures governing weather or other emergencies for all employees and students by campus location:

    In this situation, the College President decides to cancel a class or classes at one or both campuses. Students are not expected to attend in person, all online classes will be held as scheduled, but cancellation of classes does not excuse any employee from work. All employees of the college, including faculty, may take personal leave, vacation leave, or use earned compensatory time when classes are cancelled and they choose to be absent from work. (Board Policy 4.4, Part 1)
    In this situation, the College President makes the decision to close a campus or the college. When a campus or the college is declared closed, all campus or college employees are excused from work with pay. A campus or college closure applies to all employees without regard to labor contract. Weather or other emergency essential employees are not excused from work. The declaration of a campus or college closure shall, if possible, identify the timeframe of the closure.
    If the President determines that classes will be cancelled or the campus/college closed, the following steps will be taken:
    1. After notifying the local media (KWLM/Q102/K100 radio, KDJS/K-95.3/The River 97.3 radio, KDUZ/KARP radio, WCCO radio and television, KSTP/KSAX television), the switchboards at both campuses will record a class cancellation/college closed message.
      College employees and students may call the class cancellation line at:
      Hutchinson: 320-234-8700
      Willmar: 320-222-8277

    2. The class cancellation line system does not replace listening to the radio, but is meant to supplement that part of the notification system.