In url.php
Warning: fopen(C:/nginx/html/JimMartinson/CST1600/Resources/MySQL%20Tutorial%20-%20Learn%20MySQL%20Fast%2C%20Easy%20and%20Fun..URL): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\nginx\html\common\url.php on line 17

Warning: filesize(): stat failed for C:/nginx/html/JimMartinson/CST1600/Resources/MySQL%20Tutorial%20-%20Learn%20MySQL%20Fast%2C%20Easy%20and%20Fun..URL in C:\nginx\html\common\url.php on line 18

Warning: fread() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\nginx\html\common\url.php on line 18

Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\nginx\html\common\url.php on line 19
$theURL =
Unable to determine the URL in the MySQL%20Tutorial%20-%20Learn%20MySQL%20Fast%2C%20Easy%20and%20Fun..URL file.
The contents of the URL file is: