Backup priveleges MySQL 5x: GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'backup_username'@'localhost' # Given when backup_username is created. # Change `database` to the database the user can backup. # Change `backup_username` to the user name that can backup the database. # Change `localhost` to the location the backup_username can login from. GRANT SELECT, LOCK TABLES, SHOW VIEW, EVENT, TRIGGER ON `database`.* TO 'backup_username'@'localhost' GRANT SELECT ON `mysql`.`proc` TO 'backup_username'@'localhost' MySQL 8x # Change `database` to the database the user can backup. # Change `backup_username` to the user name that can backup the database. # Change `localhost` to the location the backup_username can login from. GRANT SELECT, LOCK TABLES, SHOW VIEW, EVENT, TRIGGER ON `database`.* TO 'backup_username'@'localhost' GRANT PROCESS ON *.* TO 'backup_username'@'localhost';