Computer Systems Technology - Ridgewater College
Blue CST logo 2025 Spring Semester (20255)
CST2146 Data Driven Web
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CST2146 Data Driven Web - Syllabus

Description This course is designed to give students the advanced skills they need to design a data driven web site. Topics covered in this course are: dynamically created creating web pages using data obtained from a database, the use of PHP as a server-side language to create the pages, and the use of MySQL as the database to store and obtain the data. Students will construct a business web site or application. Students will be running their projects on an actual web server with PHP and MySQL installed. This course is based on the use of textbook study and hands-on structured labs assigned by the Instructor.
(Prerequisites: None) (3 Credits) (1 Lecture, 2 Lab, 0 On the Job Training.)
  1. Define the scope of a web site or application design.
  2. Design the layout for a site.
  3. Design and create the databases needed for a site.
  4. Use PHP to create web pages.
  5. Use PHP to query data from a database.
  6. Use PHP to insert new data or update existing data.
  7. Use PHP to generate CSS or Javascript files.
  8. Use MySQL tools to design and implement databases.
  9. Use MySQL to store the data for the site.
  10. Describe the difference between development, testing, and production sites.
  11. Use teams to design and develop web pages needed for a site.
  12. Setup a development environment and move it to a production site.
References and Resources
  1. Laptop computer with Windows 10. (Student supplied).
  2. Example Files. Browse class example files.
  3. Notes. Browse class notes.
  4. Resources. Browse class resources.
Requirements An average student will spend 144 hours performing course tasks: 48 hours of lecture and 96 hours out-of-class. Factual information is provided through informal presentation or in a personalized format. The student is expected to contact the instructor if difficulty is encountered or help is needed. Attendance is critical for completion of the class work.
Grading Assignment and quiz grades are totaled and translated to a percentage and the percentages to grades. A score of 70% is passing. The following percentage distribution guarantees the following grade: A:93%+, A-:90%+, B+:87%+, B:83%+, B-:80%+, C+:77%+, C:73%+, C-:70%+, F:<70%.

Disability Services It is Ridgewater College policy to provide on a flexible and individualized basis services to students who have disabilities, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Reasonable accommodations can be provided after registering with the Accessibility and Disability Services Office. Please contact the Accessibility and Disability Services Coordinator on your campus to discuss your accommodation needs: Jay Morrison on the Willmar Campus, @320-222-8040 (, or Terry Grinde on the Hutchinson Campus, @320-234-8650 ( This publication is available in alternative formats upon request. Students with hearing or speech disabilities may contact us via their preferred Telecommunications Relay Service.
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