The code for ssi.shtml is: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>SSI examples</title> </head> <body> <h1>SSI examples</h1> DATE_LOCAL: <!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" --> <br><br> <!--#config timefmt="%A, %B %d, %Y" --> Today is <!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" --> <br><br> <!--#config timefmt="%A %B %d at %T" --> ssi.shtml This file last modified <!--#flastmod file="ssi.shtml" -->. (13:51:10) <br><br> <!--#config timefmt="%A %B %d at %T" --> ssi_in_html.html This file last modified <!--#flastmod file="ssi_in_html.html" -->. <br><br> <!--#config errmsg="" --> <!-- turn error message off --> Including footer.html: <!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> <!--#config errmsg="[an error occurred while processing this directive]" --> <br><br>#exec cmd="dir <pre> <!--#exec cmd="dir" --> </pre> (Does not work in Windows) <br><br> <!--#set var="name" value="Jim" --> The var name contains: <!--#echo var="name" --> <br> <!--#set var="modified" value="$LAST_MODIFIED" --> modified = <!--#echo var="modified" --> <br> <!--#set var="filename" value="$SCRIPT_NAME" --> filename = <!--#echo var="filename" --> <br><br> Good <!--#if expr="%{TIME_HOUR} <12" -->morning<!--#else -->afternoon<!--#endif -->! </body> </html>