The code for Get-NetworkAdapterStatus.ps1 is: <# .Synopsis Produces a listing of network adapters and status on a local or remote machine. .Description This script produces a listing of network adapters and status on a local or remote machine. .Example Get-NetworkAdapterStatus.ps1 -computer MunichServer Lists all the network adapters and status on a computer named MunichServer .Example Get-NetworkAdapterStatus.ps1 Lists all the network adapters and status on local computer .Inputs [string] .OutPuts [string] .Notes NAME: Get-NetworkAdapterStatus.ps1 AUTHOR: Ed Wilson LASTEDIT: 1/10/2014 KEYWORDS: Hardware, Network Adapter .Link Http:// #Requires -Version 2.0 #> Param( [string]$computer= $env:COMPUTERNAME ) #end param function Get-StatusFromValue { Param($SV) switch($SV) { 0 { " Disconnected" } 1 { " Connecting" } 2 { " Connected" } 3 { " Disconnecting" } 4 { " Hardware not present" } 5 { " Hardware disabled" } 6 { " Hardware malfunction" } 7 { " Media disconnected" } 8 { " Authenticating" } 9 { " Authentication succeeded" } 10 { " Authentication failed" } 11 { " Invalid Address" } 12 { " Credentials Required" } Default { "Not connected" } } } #end Get-StatusFromValue function # *** Entry point to script *** Get-WmiObject -Class win32_networkadapter -computer $computer | Select-Object Name, @{LABEL="Status"; EXPRESSION={Get-StatusFromValue $_.NetConnectionStatus}}