The code for function_bt_et.ps1 is: function global:bt{ <# .SYNOPSIS Start a transcipt (Start-Transcript). .DESCRIPTION Starts a transcript and saves the file in: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Transcripts\. The current date and time are added to the filename in the format: yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss-tt yyyy is the year. MM is the month. dd is the day. hh is the hour (12 hour clock). mm is the minute. ss is the second. tt is the meridian (am/pm). .LINK You can use "et" to end the transcript. .PARAMETER prefix The prefix for the transcript file name. Default: PowerShell_transcript. .EXAMPLE bt Start a transcript with the filename PowerShell_transcript_yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-sstt.txt .EXAMPLE bt mytrans Start a transcript with the filename mytrans_yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-sstt.txt #> param ( [string]$prefix="PowerShell_transcript" ) #Write-Output $prefix $date = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-sstt").Replace("A","a").Replace("P","p").Replace("M","m").ToString() Start-Transcript -Path "C:\Users\wp4452ys\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Transcripts\${prefix}_${date}.txt" } function global:et{ <# .SYNOPSIS End a transcipt (Stop-Transcript). .DESCRIPTION .LINK You can use "bt" to begin a transcript. .EXAMPLE et Ends the transcript. #> Stop-Transcript }